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Français 2:  Quiz Retakes

Guidelines for Quiz retakes:


  • Must complete retake prior to unit exam

  • Must schedule student/teacher appointment for retake

  • Must re-write ALL parts of the quiz (including correct and incorrect responses), correct errors.

  • Complete evidence of additional studying (activities listed below for each quiz).

  • Attach original quiz, corrected quiz, additional studying and retake checklist signed by parent. Bring to quiz retake.


To retake the quizzes below you must complete the indicated activities.


Les Pirates des Caraïbes

  • Make double-sided notes for all vocabulary for Les Pirates des Caraïbes. Study the vocabulary.

  • Go onto Engrade and write out the questions with the correct answer only for each question.

Unité 4: Vocabulary

  • Textbook page 69 activities 1 and 2.

 Unité 4: Comparatives

  • Write 5 sentences making comparisons. Use "meilleur," "mieux" or "pire" in 3 of the sentences. For example: "Sophie chante mieux que moi."

Unité 4: Devoir, Vouloir, Pouvoir

  • Write out the conjugations for Devoir, Vouloir, Pouvoir in the present and passé composé.

  • Turn to page 65 in your textbook. For activity 4 write a sentence for each picture using the verb devoir, pouvoir or vouloir.

Unité 4:  Depuis, Il y a..., Pendant

  • Write 6 sentences about yourself, 2 sentences using "depuis," 2 sentences using "il y a..." and 2 sentences using "pendant."

Unité 4: The verbs VENIR, DEVENIR etc.

  • Give the definitions and write out the conjugations for the following verbs in the present tense and the past tense: VENIR, DEVENIR, REVENIR, TENIR, MAINTENIR and RETENIR.

Unité 4: The passé récent

  • Using the picture in activity 1 on page 66 of your textbook, write five sentences in the passé récent describing what each person in the picture just did.

Unité 3: The verbs SAVOIR and CONNAÎTRE​

  • Write out the conjugations for SAVOIR and CONNAÎTRE.

  • Explain in writing when you use SAVOIR and when you use CONNAÎTRE to mean "to know."

Unité 3: Vocabulary

  • Go to page 288 in your textbook. For all vocabulary in the boxes "Les parties d'une maison" and "Chez soi" make double-sided notes. Practice qith these double-sided notes until you know the meaning and spelling of all vocabulary.

Unité 3: Expressions that signal a past tense

  • For each "Expression that signals a past tense" found in your French notebook create an original sentence in the past tense (be careful, sometimes you must use the passé composé and sometimes you must use the imparfait).


Unité 2: Lire, DIre, Écrire

  • Conjugate the verbs Lire, Dire and Écrire in the present tense, in the passé composé and in the imparfait.

  • Write one sentence using Lire, one sentence using Dire, and one sentence using Ecrire to demonstrate that you understand the meaning of each word.

Unité 2: La formation de l'Imparfait

  • Conjugate the following verbs in the Imparfait: rougir, travailler, perdre, faire, être, avoir, aller.

  • Write out activity 1 on page 242 of your textbook.

Unité 2: Vocabulary

  • Spell the ordinal numbers 1-21 (for example: premier, deuxième....)

  • Turn to page 252 in your virtual textbook. Find the box labeled "Faire une réservation." Practice spelling the words in this box by writing each word 3 times in French and defining once in English.

Unité 2: Direct Object Pronouns​

  • For activity 2 on page 228 or your virtual textbook write out each sentence, underline the direct object, then rewrite the sentence replacing the direct object with a pronoun.

Unité 2: The passé composé with avoir and être

  • Write about what you did last week-end. Write three sentences in the passé composé using the verb "ÊTRE" as the auxilary verb and three sentences using the verb "AVOIR" as the auxilary verb.

Unité 2: The passé composé and "La maison d'être"

  • Write 5 senteces in French saying where various family members and friends went last summer. Be sure to include both masculine and feminine family members and at least one group of friends (plural).

Unité 2: Travel Vocabulary

  • For each of the following countries tell me what language is spoken. Write complete sentences in French saying "in France one speaks French." --The United States, Germany, France, England, Japan, Belgium

Unité 1: Indirect Object Pronouns

  • Turn to page 204 in your virtual textbook. Write out activities 1 and 2. Then translate these activities into English.


Unité 1: Clothing vocabulary

  • Answer the questions in activity 6 on page 198 of your virtual textbook.  Answer with complete sentences.


Unité 1: Le Passé Composé avec les Verbes Réguliers

  • Choose 3 ER verbs, 3 IR verbs and 3 RE verbs. Conjugate each of them using the passé composé.

  • Describe what you did and did not do last weekend using the passé composé. Write at least 5 sentences.

Unité 1: Vocabulaire (Livre page 182)

  • Practice spelling the vocabulary found on page 182 of your virtual textbook by writing each word three times in French and defining once in English.

  • Do activity 3, page 183 in your virtual textbook (write out on a sheet of paper).

Unité 1: Demonstrative Adjectives (Ce, Cet, Cette, Ces)

  • Do activities 1 and 3, page 190 in your virtual textbook (write out on a sheet of paper).

  • Do activity "Essayez!" on page 191 of your virtual textbook. (Write out on a sheet of paper)


  • From memory conjugate the verbs AVOIR , ETRE , ALLER and FAIRE. For each of the conjugations translate all forms into English. If you are unable to do it from memory, keep practicing until you can.

  • Write 4 sentences in French - one sentence using the verb AVOIR , one sentence using the verb ETRE, one sentence using the verb ALLER, and one sentence using the verb FAIRE.


Review of Numbers

  • Spell out the following numbers in French:   1017,   117,   85,   2024,   3662



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