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Français 1B:  Quiz Retakes

Guidelines for Quiz retakes:


  • Must be completed prior to unit exam

  • Must schedule student/teacher appointment for retake

  • Must re-write ALL parts of the quiz (including correct and incorrect responses), correct errors.

  • Complete evidence of additional studying (activities listed below for each quiz).

  • Attach original quiz, corrected quiz, additional studying and retake checklist signed by parent. Bring to quiz retake.



Unité 5B: RE verbs

  • Give the meaning and conjugations of the following verbs: vendre, descendre, perdre, attendre, entendre, rendre visite à

Unité 5B: Numbers 101 and higher

  • Write out on a sheet of paper activity 2, page 168 in your textbook.

Unité 5B: Le Temps

  • Answer in complete sentences the questions in activity 2 on page 161 of your textbook.

Unité 5A: Irregular IR verbs

  • Write out the conjugations and definitions for each of the irregular IR verbs (sortir, partir, dormir, courir).

Unité 5A: The verbs FAIRE

  • Write out the conjugations and the definitions for the verbs FAIRE.

  • Write out activity 3 on page 154 of your textbook.

Unité 5A: Vocabulary

  • Write out activity 3 on page 147 of your textbook. Write 8 sentences, one for each of the given subjects.

Unité 3: Partitive Articles

  • Write out on a piece of paper act. 2 on page 132 of your virtual textbook (write complete sentences).

Unité 3: Expressions of quantity 

  • Write out activity 2 on page 125 in your textbook.

  • Put the correct for of "tout, toute, tous, toutes" with the following nouns: le café, les frites, la soupe, le chocolat, les jus d'orange. 

Unité 3: The verbs prendre et boire

  • Write out the conjugation for the verbs prendre, apprendre, comprendre and boire. Give the definition for each of these verbs in English.

Unité 3: Vocabulary

  • Using the food vocabulary on pages 124 and 125 of your textbook, make a list of which foods you would eat with breakfast (le petit déjeuner) which foods you would eat with lunch (le déjeuner) and which foods and drinks one would eat with dinner (le diner).  Remember to use "un" or "une" with each item.

Unité 2: La conjugaison des verbes en IR

  • Write out the conjugation for each of the IR verbs found in the green box on page 134 of your textbook.

  • Write a sentence using the verbs "obéir à" and "choisir."

Unité 2: Le vocabulaire et la formation des Questions​

  • Practice spelling the question words by writing each one 10 times in French and defining once in English.

  • Translate the following question into French two times. The first time use "Est-ce que..." and the second time use Inversion:  He is eating at the restaurant.

Unité 2: Le Futur Proche​

  • Write in French 3 things you are going to do next weekend and three things you are not going to do next weekend (6 sentences in all).

Unité 2:  à + le, la, les​

  • For each member of your family write one sentence in French that describes where they go on the weekend (For example: My mother goes to the grocery store...


Unité 2: The verb Aller

  • Write out the conjugation of the verb ALLER and give the English translation for each expression. 

  • Translate the following sentences into French:
    Luc goes to Paris. 
    Luc and Pauline go to Paris.
    I am going to Denver.
    We are going to Seattle.
    They are going to Loveland.

Unité 2: Vocabulary of the city

  • Go to page 144 in your virtual textbook. For all of the vocabulary found in the sections titled "Dans la ville" and "Activités" write each word 3 times in English and define once in French.

  • Write out activity 1 on page 111 of your virtual textbook


La France en danger, chapîtres 1-3​​

  • Make double-sided notes for all vocabulary for chapters 1 - 3. Study the vocabulary.

  • Go onto Engrade and translate the questions and the correct answer for each question



  • In English describe the following things found in Paris​​, what are they and what did we learn about them in class  Le Louvre, les Champs-Élysées, la Tour Eiffel, le Quartier Latin, la Sorbonne, Notre Dame, l'Ile de la Cité, la Seine, l'Arc de Triomphe, la rive gauche, la rive droite, le métro, la Joconde.


Unité 1: Professions

  • Practice the spelling of  professions by writing each word 3 times in French and defining once in English.

Unité 1: Prepositions of location​ and stress pronouns

  • Practice spelling the prepositions of location found in your French notebook  by writing each word 3 times in French and defining once in English.

  • Write down all of the stress pronouns (moi, toi, lui, elle, nous, vous, eux, elles) and what they mean in English.

Unité 1: Family Vocabulary

  • For all  of the family vocabulary found in your French notebook, write each word three times in French and define once in English to practice spelling.

Unité 1: Possessive Adjectives - Mon, Ma, Mes, Ton, Ta, Tes, Son, Sa, Ses, Notre, Nos ... etc.

  • On a separate piece of paper write down all of the possessive adjectives (mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes, son, sa, ses, notre, nos, votre, vos, leur, leurs) and what they mean in English.

  • Explain, in English, why there are three different ways of saying "my" in French.

Unité 1: La Place des Adjectifs

  • On a sheet of paper write the 3 things you need to check when putting an adjective in a sentence. If you don't know ask one of your classmates for help.

  • Explain what BAGS signifies.

  • Write a list of ten nouns using an adjective to describe each noun. For example: "une jolie fille" "un chat noir"

Unité 1: Les Adjectifs Réguliers​

  • Write five original sentences in French. Use an adjective in each sentence and a different subject for each sentence (for example: "La chaise est bleue.")


Unité 1: Mon, Ma, Mes, Ton, Ta, Tes

  • Write the definition in English for MON, MA, MES, TON, TA and TES.  Why are there three different words in French for the English word "MY."

Beginning of the Year Review: AVOIR and ÊTRE

  • Conjugate the verbs AVOIR and ÊTRE. Give the English translation for each form of the conjugation.

  • Create 3 sentences in French using the verb AVOIR and 3 sentences using the verb ÊTRE.

Beginning of the Year Review: Numbers, time and date

  • Spell out the following numbers in French: 833, 947, 1257, 2011

  • Write out in French (with words and then numbers) the following times: 1. It is noon. 2. It is 3 o'clock. 3. It is quarter past three. 4. It is quarter to four.

  • Write out the date in French (with words) for: American Independence Day, French Independence Day, your birthday.

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